ISofhHrm HR management software is not simply a management of basic employee records but a solution for managing total human resources, managing working hours, OTs, allowances, managing labor contracts, ... the most accurate and effective way. iSofhHrm is the product of iSofH Technology Joint Stock Company. iSofhHrm can help:Employees:• Attend daily, keep track of work days, late days, and days off in the month.• Apply for a leave of absence for approval.• Prepare and send the OT proposal to the higher level for approval.• Display personal profile of yourself such as contact information, position, department, ...Leader:• Attend daily, keep track of work days, late days, and days off in the month.• Apply for a leave of absence for approval.• Prepare and send the OT proposal to the higher level for approval.• Dot allowance for the department I manage.• Display personal profile of yourself such as contact information, position, department, ...